Martin Luther King Jr.

I have heard on the radio some conservatives bringing up the name of a gentleman from history for whom they expressed admiration.  The man known as Martin Luther King Jr.  Of course his given name was Michael.  His father changed it (never legally)..  His “non-violence” consisted of goading, cajoling, taunting, and prodding officers of the law and local officials into unwise and violent actions.  He probably did more than anyone since the American Caesar, Mr. Lincoln, to destroy federalism, dual sovereignty, and local self government in the US.  He was a communist or at least a dupe of communists. His movement was populated by several of the card-carrying variety, including Bayard Rustin, Hunter Pitts O’Dell and others.  He attended the communist front Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee. He was a traitor who didn’t just oppose the war in Vietnam, but called for the defat of our troops.
His sexual exploits rivaled or surpassed an alley cat or maybe even Ted Kennedy. There is ample evidence to suggest he plagiarized his doctoral thesis. Whatever good may have come of the so-called “civil rights” movement, there is little to admire about Michael King Jr.
            Carl Edwards

Confederate Flag

Gov. Nikki Haley and both US Senators from  South Carolina have called for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the state capitol, following the horrific shootings in a Charleston church.  While every right thinking person condemns those racially motivated and hate-filled acts, for what they are, these political leaders have over reacted.  Their motives are likely political.  The battle flag represents the ancestors of many who fought and died with uncommon valor to protect their families, homes, culture and independence.  Most of them never owned a slave, but fought under a banner that has become an international symbol for resistance to centralized government tyranny!  PUT IT BACK, citizens of SC, PUT IT BACK !

                                                                                Carl Edwards
                                                                               Allen Township

Republican Timidity or Perfidy

Last November,  I heard and overheard many Christians proclaim thanks for the  pro-life gains in the newly elected congress.  Well, last week those “gains” along with GOP hold-overs failed to pass a strong bill banning abortion after the 20th week post conception. It could have passed without a single Democrat vote!  Of course, a law banning abortion would be as unconstitutional as the Roe decision permitting it, but who can expect lawmakers to understand the principle of federalism or the 10th amendment?  It was simply another betrayal, but whose counting?  So the question is, when will Christians lose their faith in the GOP?  Is it above their faith in God?

                                                Carl Edwards
                                              Allen Township

Nullification vs. Civil Disobedience

My reply to a blog on the Tenth Amendment Center:

     I read with interest your blog on The 10th Ammendment Center concerning what you call the similarities between civil disobedience and nullification.  I couldn’t disagree more.  Civil disobedience is just that, disobedience.  It must be undertaken with the understanding that you are breaking the law and that with it come prescribed consequences.  It may or may not be justified depending on the seriousness and reach of the injustice.  Nullification on the other hand, is nearly opposite.  It is upholding the law (often the supreme law – the Constitution) against officials edicts, court pronouncements, and acts of legislatures that they have no authority to enact.  It is thwarting usurped power that is  breaking the supreme law.
Dr. King is someone whom the nullification movement should distance themselves from with vigor.  Far from the personal purification you mention, his life was one of great personal injustice. He in all likely-hood plagiarized his doctoral thesis, his sexual mores were somewhere between Ted Kennedy and an alley cat, he sought the counsel of communists, and called for the defeat of our young men in Vietnam.  But, worst of all, he nearly ended the principle of federalism single-handedly.  He brought in federal court orders, federal enforcement powers, and northern carpetbaggers against the duly enacted laws and accepted customs, of the people of states to whom said powers were delegated by the consent of the governed.
                                                                 Carl C. Edwards

Directions to Jefferson Davis Day Picnic – Aug. 2 – 12 Noon

DIRECTIONS to residence of Carl Edwards at 569 Snow Hill Rd., Northampton, PA
Phone: 610-261-2115

From west and south: Take Rte.145 North and exit at Forniciari Drive. Turn right at next stop sign. You are now on Rte. 329 East. Continue on Rte. 329 through Cementon, through Northampton (2 lights) and to the light at AA Limo and Shell station at Howertown Road. Turn Left onto Howertown Rd. (there might not be a street sign) to the blue Allen Twp. Fire Hall on your right. Just past the fire hall, turn Right onto Snow Hill Rd. This twists around and comes to a “T”. Turn right onto Old Carriage Rd. and immediately Left back onto Snow Hill Rd. We are the 3rd driveway on the left–569 Snow Hill Rd. (there will be balloons on the beat-up mailbox). From the road, you will not see a house.

From North: Take Rt. 512 to Bath. Turn Right on Main St. Turn Left onto Rt. 329. Go until you see AA Limo and a Shell gas station on your right. Turn Right onto Howertown Road and go just past the blue Allen Twp. Fire Hall on your right. Turn Right onto Snow Hill Rd. Follow it to a “T”. Turn Right onto Old Carriage Rd. and then immediately Left back onto Snow Hill Rd. We are the 3rd driveway on the left–569 Snow Hill Rd. There will be balloons on the beat-up mailbox. From the road, you will not see a house.

From East: Take Rt. 22 to Airport Rd. North. Follow Airport Rd. to The Barnhouse Restaurant at Airport Rd. and Rt. 329. Turn Left onto Rt. 329 and go to the light at the intersection of Howertown Rd. (AA Limo and Shell gas station on your right). Turn Right onto Howertown Rd. and go just past the blue Allen Twp. Fire Hall on your right. Turn Right onto Snow Hill Rd. Follow it to a “T”. Turn Right onto Old Carriage Rd. and then immediately Left back onto Snow Hill Rd. We are the 3rd driveway on the left–569 Snow Hill Rd. There will be balloons on the mailbox. From the road, you will not see a house.

GOP Justices champion religious liberty?

The recent decision of the SCOTUS regarding Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Products is another reason, our Christian friends tell us, to vote for GOP candidates, regardless of their identification with the elitist, statist, arrogant establishment wing of the party. What they fail to tell us is that if it weren’t for Chief Justice Roberts, their would be no Obama Care to infringe upon our freedom of conscience. Recently, federal Judge John Jones III, also appointed by George W. Bush, decreed that same-sex couples have the right to marry in Pennsylvania. Looking back, the majority opinion in Roe v. Wade was authored by Mr. Justice Blackmon, another Republican appointee. I seem to remember some one assessing one’s sanity by the frequency with which they do the same thing over and over while expecting different results! If the shoe fits! Vote your values, not your party!


                                                     MY CHRISTMAS MESSAGE   

     Many centuries ago the Roman Emperor Constantine was converted, was  baptized and became a Christian.  I don’t know the depth or sincerity of his  faith, but I do know that what happened soon thereafter was a bad thing for  genuine Christianity.  He proclaimed that Christianity was the official  religion of the empire.  Now suddenly, everyone was a Christian!  You can  imagine what this did to the convicting power of the gospel.  The message  that men were evil sinners and in need of a saviour was severely blunted.

     I imagine that the workers of ancient Rome were disappointed to lose  their holiday when pagan worship was abolished.  They were not unlike  workers everywhere.  Soon the leaders came up with a plan, we will take the  day that we worship the pagan goddess Saturnalia on December 21,  move it to December 25 and call it “Christ’s Mass”.  This holiday now called  Christmas is celebrated everywhere.  Whereas Christian worship services  should be filled with joyous praise and worship to God, they are now filled  at this time of the year with plays, high-minded cantatas, carols, multi-  media presentations and of course children reciting senseless ditties which  are forgotten as soon as the parental applause dies down.  (wouldn’t it be  better to fill the young skulls with scripture memory?) 

      However, I do not believe that the church has anything to fear from  families observing an ancient lengend about the jolly fat man who delivers  gifts to children.  So I have a proposal for a new bumper sticker this  year, “Keep Christ out of Christmas” or at least keep Christmas out of the  church.                                                    

                              Spiritual Bah Humbug,    

                                  Carl Edwards

The First Thanksgiving

                         An American Thanksgiving
     Even before that first Thanksgiving celebration in 1621, and before the harsh winter of 1620 from which less than half of the Pilgrims survived, the Pilgrim fathers began the first efforts toward self-government. 
     There in the hold of the tiny ship Mayflower, bobbing on the cold dark waters of the north Atlantic, and facing the rocky shores of a vast wilderness, our Pilgrim forebears drafted and signed a covenant to “…bind ourselves together in a civil body politic.”  Realizing that the Atlantic storms had driven them far north of the jurisdiction of the Virginia charter, they understood that to begin a community without government meant lawlessness, with each person becoming a law unto themselves. They ceded a portion of the sovereignty over their God-given rights to leaders of their own choosing. Thus for the first time in the history of the world, free men compacted to govern themselves, under God. 
     Over 150 years later, in 1776, a Virginia gentleman named Jefferson, after enumerating some of the God-given rights of which men were the recipients, penned these words, “….to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”  A few years later, in 1787, in a very different venue from the Pilgrims, the sweltering hot streets of center city Philadelphia, another compact was signed by 55 men. In 1791, 10 amendments were added to this recent covenant.  In the last of these, the framers declared that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” For the first time, a limited government created by the consent of the governed was established for an entire nation.
    Let us pray that many Americans will join us in gratefulness to God, grantor of our rights & liberties.

Legitimate Civil Law

Legitimate Civil Law
Legitimate Law is derived from 3 Sources

                                                   (1) God’s Law

  • Revealed Law

Laws & Commandments given in scripture (Always legitimate)

  • Natural Law

Standards derived from observing God’s order revealed in nature  (Legitimate when compliant with revealed law)

                                                 (2)   Common Law

Unwritten laws & rules of equity derived from antiquity (Legitimate through long use and must not be contrary to God’s law)

                                                 (3) Civil law_(Positive law)

Written law of men. Can only reach actions, not conscience. (Legitimate by consent of governed – IE: Constitutions,   compacts, elections, commonwealth agreements and not contrary to God’s law)

God’s word says the following about civil authority and law;

Hebrews 13:17  Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

Romans 13:1  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.                2  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.                3  For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:                4  For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5 Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6  For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. 1 Peter 2:13-17: 13  Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14  Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 15  For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: 16  As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. 17  Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

Titus 3:1: 1 Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,

Acts 4:19  But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. 20   For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. Is this authority absolute, or must there be standards of legitimacy before civil law is binding upon believers?
Humanists will say that to be legitimate law must comply with mans standards of liberty, equality, and fairness. If it does not, we must choose wiser leaders and give them power to enforce conformity. Some religious leaders will say, like Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi, that to be legitimate it must comply with the entirety of their perception of God’s justice. If it does not, we must not obey but practice civil disobedience. Most believers will say it is not absolute, but that we must obey God always, regardless of civil authority. To be legitimate, law must comply with God’s word. If it does not, we must not obey, but must accept our punishments. Our founders and early patriots will say, based upon Locke and others, that to be legitimate law must depend on the consent of the governed, and be based on God’s law. If it does not, it is not law and not to be obeyed.

Liberty vs. License


Many people today, specially those who claim to be political liberals or human rights advocates would tell us that liberty means the right to do whatever you want to. That is of course providing that you harm no one else, nor infringe on their absolute right do what they want. This is not liberty, but rather license.
Genuine liberty however, is freedom from the compulsions of our passions, ego, and self will. This liberty comes about only through the working of the grace of God. Before His grace has become effective in our heart we are in bondage. “…whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” John 8:34
“His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins.” Prov. 5:22
So then, how should civil government act in protecting liberty, but not enabling license? It is to provide for a just and orderly society by proscribing those outward acts that disobey and dishonor God‘s law. It cannot, however, reach matters of conscience. Our Pilgrim forebears may or may not have overreached by compelling citizens to attend church services, but they certainly did so when they banished Anne Hutchinson and drove Roger Williams to Rhode Island because they disagreed with prevailing church dogma.
Government may keep order by requiring external submission to the law of God, but it can never compel the heart change needed to liberate man. Only the grace of the Redeemer can accomplish that!

No one has the right to take away freedom of thought or choice unless that freedom turns to licentiousness by hurting another OR BY DENYING THE INVIOLABLE LAWS of nature and nature’s God. – Dr. Michael Milton

Carl C. Edwards – Hi-Tech Redneck